Battery Health Monitoring System

A Battery Health Monitoring System (BHMS) is a highly advanced and sophisticated battery health and efficiency monitoring system. A BHMS maintains complete security and offers correct guidance and enhanced battery performance.

BHMS evaluates the battery bank’s netload, bacterial bank deterioration during the loading/unloading cycles, as well as actual battery efficiency. The battery control system monitors all cells in the battery bank continually to detect cell deterioration before failure.
The net capacity in the battery bank is identified by monitoring charging and discharging currents.

Why is battery health monitoring essential?

  • It improves the life and performance of batteries
  • It provides power without interruption by removing battery failures
  • It reduces operating and maintenance expenses for batteries
battery monitoring

Advantages of battery health monitoring

  • It monitors 24X7 continually.
  • It gives you the battery bank status.
  • It detects weak batteries/cells prior to failure.
  • It helps in critical conditions to reduce system downtime.
  • The remote monitoring of single or multiple battery banks saves time.
  • Battery bank & battery usage performance can be ensured and battery life can be increased.
  • It helps you to buy batteries via schedules instead of the emergency replacement.
  • In case of battery failure, it alerts visual and audible.

Monitoring your battery helps to keep track of the voltage and current of a battery in real-time. This allows for information about how much power the battery has stored, how much power is being drawn from it, and how long the charge will last to be displayed. Additionally, some systems can also log data about previous discharge and recharge cycles for further analysis. This can be useful for institutions or businesses operating under frequent power outages or brownouts. Depending on the specific system, most battery monitoring units will either be web-connected devices that allow you to view information remotely or be installed physically near the battery itself.

Battery health monitoring can be used in offices, railway stations, supermarkets, Industries, IT companies, etc which will help your business from big downtime.

Vacker Global provides battery health monitoring systems according to your needs. For detailed information please contact our sales office at Visit our website: